Hero for Gravity Forms
Gravity Forms Superpowers

Date Filters

You can use filters to enable or disable calendar dates such as past dates, weekends, or any other specific dates.

Date filters are part of the General admin panel of each Date field.

Essential Package
  • Enable today and future dates
  • Enable only future dates
  • Enable only weekdays
Standard Package
  • Enable today and past dates
  • Enable only past dates
  • Enable only weekends

Advanced Package

If the predefined filters do not meet your needs, you can design custom filters with the Advanced package.

Custom filters allow you to specify a sequence of rules applied in the order in which they are defined. Each rule can enable or disable the following:

  • All dates.
  • Today.
  • Future dates.
  • Past dates.
  • Weekdays.
  • Weekends.
  • Specific days.
  • Specific dates.
  • Holidays.

Selecting "Specific days" allows you to specify which days of the week to enable or disable.

You can also specify one or more dates with the "Specific dates" option.

Leaving the day, month or year empty selects the whole range of values for that field. For example, you can disable the month of February by selecting February as the month and leaving the day and year fields empty.

Finally, you also have the option to enable or disable holidays.

The list of holidays contains the US Federal Holidays as well some common holidays celebrated around the world, and is calculated automatically every year.